Friday, May 31, 2013

Wedding Photography- The Bride

What are the must have photos for the bride? Here's a list of all the great memories you will want to hold onto! Show your photographer your list or create a Pinterest board with inspirational photos!

A full length shot of your dress! Make sure you get the front and back because it's the only day you will be wearing the masterpiece that you have spent so much time searching for.

A pre wedding shot with your bouquet. This should be more of a beauty shot so you always remember how perfect you looked.

The bouquet toss! Don't forget to get the candid pictures from the reception. The posed pictures are nice but the memories are in the candids!

The first time you go to see the groom (if you decide to see each other before the ceremony).

A shot with the flower girl.

A picture of just you. Everyone will take photos with you all night. Take a moment and get a shot for yourself.

Getting will never forget the butterflies that were in your tummy and how excited you were for the big day!

Someone lacing or buttoning the dress. This is a great shot to put in a closet, bathroom, or powder room once you get a house.

Get a quick shot of your hair for the memory book.

If you have a veil make sure to take some fun photos with it. The veil can be styled hundreds of ways and creates beautiful photos. Also get a beauty shot of your makeup!

The bride and the maid of honor. Think of all the time and effort she put in to help make the day a success! Consider framing the photo as a thank you present after the wedding. She'll cherish it forever.

Looking out the window. The lighting always makes for a pretty picture.

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